This week’s idea spotlight is from Thomas Osterkamp, Pastor at Good News Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids, IA. Have you ever wanted to host youth group in your home? This change of scenery is a wonderful way to shake things up and engage students in a much more relaxed environment.
Host Youth Group in Your Home:
It can be easy to get into a routine week after week, but doing something out of the ordinary can help re-engage the teenagers in your group. For Thomas, this oftentimes looks like hosting youth group in his home. It’s important to help teenagers learn to open up and vocalize their faith, and many teens feel much more comfortable sharing thoughts and questions in a home environment than they would otherwise.
Tips for Hosting Youth Group in Your Home:
1) Try Other Locations
What happens if you don’t have the space to host youth group in your home? That’s okay! There are still plenty of ways to shake things up and take your youth group off campus.
One option would be to take your students to the park. Enjoy some fun outdoor games and then find a comfortable place to circle up and go through the night’s lesson. This is a great way to engage students who recognize God’s glory most strongly while in nature.
Another option is to coordinate with a volunteer, parent, or member of the congregation who has the space to host youth group at their home. This is an especially wonderful way to engage adults who are gifted in hospitality
2) Have Food & Drinks
Students love food. Adults love food. Having tasty treats set out for students to enjoy is a surefire way to start the night out right.
3) Invest in Some Awesome Board Games
Fun breaks down walls and helps convince students that you like them, so it’s a great idea to start the night out with some fun & games! We’ve put together a podcast for you of 8 must-have party games, and you can check it out here.
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